Safeguarding at St Nicholas is not viewed as something which is done as a tick-box exercise or by a designated individual, but it is at the heart and soul of our theology and mission.
With this perspective, safeguarding policies and procedures should be approached, not with a spirit of fear or duty but rather with an appreciation that they are an external expression of Christ’s love for all people.
For more detailed information on how safeguarding fits into living the Christian life click here.
St Nicholas comes under the Church of England safeguarding policy and guidelines.
How to report a concern
If you are worried about a person or situation, it is always better to say something than do nothing. Report anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, even if it seems small. To report a concern, email the Parish Safeguarding Officer or complete the reporting form below and pass it on to the Parish Safeguarding Officer. Read our reporting procedure; it will guide you through the process of reporting a concern.
Our Safeguarding Team
Greg Barry
07585 952174
Find out more about the
Safeguarding Documents
Stop It Now 0808 1000 900
Samaritans 116 123
Family Lives 0808 800 2222
Safe Spaces 0300 303 1056
NDA Helpline
0808 2000 247
Action on Elder Abuse
080 8808 8141