Welcome to St Nicholas Sevenoaks

We are an Anglican evangelical church situated in the heart of Sevenoaks. We have four main congregations which make up our one church family, comprising people of many ages and backgrounds who wish to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

What we believe

The Bishop of Ebbsfleet
The PCC of this parish has passed a resolution under the House of Bishop’s Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests in order to reflect its convictions on the distinctive ministry of men and women.

Our history

There has been a church on our site for over 900 years. For all that period we have been seeking to serve our town in many ways, but chiefly by proclaiming the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and living for Him.

12th Century

The earliest reference to the church is in the Textus Roffensis (compiled c1120).

12th Century
15th Century

The current shape mostly dates from the 13th century, though the main part was rebuilt in the 15th century.

15th Century

Since 1907 the Church has had an evangelical ministry with a clear focus on the gospel. A fuller history can be found in Professor David Killingray’s Sevenoaks People & Faith (Phillimore, Chichester, 2004).


A major building project was completed in 1995, which involved excavating under the building to provide more space. The story is told in Julia Cameron’s book The Church that went under (Paternoster, Carlisle, 1999).

Our vision

Our vision is that every generation would know Jesus and make him known, locally and globally.
To achieve this we are focussed on four main tasks:


Reaching out to God’s world with the good news about Jesus Christ


Nurturing one another with the word of Christ so that we are conformed to the image of Christ


Equipping God’s people with all they need to serve Christ in the world


Sending out God’s people into God’s world to serve Him

Please join us at one of our Sunday gatherings.  You’ll find people at all different stages of life, from the very young to the very old, with everything in between. There will be some simply wanting to encounter Jesus for the first time, others who’ve been following Christ for many decades and some who have just started.  There are regular opportunities to find out more about the heart of the Christian faith.