Nurture Groups
Nurture Groups are small groups who meet together each week or fortnightly to learn from a part of the Bible and to pray together. Nurture Groups have a special role in the life and purpose of St Nicholas. Their overarching aim is to help one another grow as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Members of a Nurture Group are drawn from the same congregation, so that the people you study the Bible and pray with mid-week are the people you are able to encourage and serve alongside on Sundays. Our aim is that every Nurture Group will be captured by our vision of knowing Jesus and wanting to make him known. To get involved with one of these Nurture Groups, please get in touch with your Congregational Pastor:
We also have various women’s and men’s Nurture Groups that meet during the week, as well as a Nurture group for our 8am congregation. To get involved with one of these groups or to find out more, please get in touch with the church office who will direct your query to the relevant person.
Tuesday Fellowship
Each Tuesday afternoon during term-time we meet in the Church building at 2pm for a variety of talks, discussions and events. We’d love you to join us whenever you can. Tuesday Fellowship is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other women, so come along and get involved!
Retired Men's events
We run a monthly programme of events tailored for men of all ages who have retired from full-time employment. The programme consists of Retired Men’s Lunches on Fridays and Retired Men’s Think-it-Through meetings on Mondays.
Retired Men's Lunches
Lunches are held in the St Nicholas Undercroft on the first Friday of each month during the autumn and spring. As well as enjoying good food and company, we always have a talk from an invited speaker who will usually talk about their faith and their work. The cost of the lunch is £8.00, and tickets can be obtained from here.
Retired Men's Think-it-Through
Retired Men’s Think-it-Through is held fortnightly in term time in the Undercroft at 11am on a Monday. We will usually have a bible study and think about an aspect of the Christian faith. For further details, please contact the church office. To check when we are next meeting, view our calendar.
Holiday at Home
Each summer we love to invite seniors to Holiday at Home. Come and make new friends and deepen existing friendships. We’ll have games, activities, talks, interviews, music, a short bible talk each day and lunch together.
For more information about the dates for our next Holiday at Home, please get in touch with the office.
Bible and Bagels
Meeting fortnightly in church, Bible and Bagels is an opportunity to dig in to God’s word together and dig into a light breakfast! We welcome anyone who’d like to join us fortnightly on Wednesdays at 7.15am.